Lewisham Creative Enterprise Zone initiative SHAPESLewisham launches at Second Floor Studios & Arts.
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Last month we celebrated the launch of the Creative Enterprise Zone initiative SHAPESLewisham and the opening of Second Floor Studios & Arts new permanent studio spaces. The event saw creatives from across the area performing and showcasing their incredible work. There is a lot of talent within Lewisham and we love that we’re a part of it.
The launch included speeches from Nichole Herbert Wood at Second Floor Studios, Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries and our very own Managing director, Nik James – they all inspired us to keep pushing the boundaries of creativity and continue celebrating the amazing people who live and work in the area.
We also had the chance to explore the studios where over 80 designers and makers are housed, we watched dance performances from Trinity Laban and saw new musical talent from a local school.
We worked with Studio Raw to design and fabricate an installation for SHAPESLewisham, which represents different characteristics and expertise. Each company can select their bespoke range of icons, creating a unique profile which is also digitally represented on their online platform.
Read all about the installation here.
Photography by Liz Calvi.