Office items for leading web company – including a unique learning and entertainment space.

CloudFlare London Offices

Jump Studios


  • Joinery
  • Metalwork
  • Carpentry
  • Installation

What we did

Aldworth James & Bond worked with Jump Studios on the new London offices for web performance and security company CloudFlare. Based in Southwark, the office space was completely renovated— with AJ&B providing all desks, a unique OSB spine that ran the length of the space and a centrepiece auditorium for the CloudFlare team to use and enjoy.

Aldworth James & Bond | CloudFlare London Offices - OSB 'spine'
  • Aldworth James & Bond | CloudFlare London Offices - desks and kitchen
  • Aldworth James & Bond | CloudFlare London Offices - desk banks

We also built desks with spruce tops, steel legs that were then powder-coated. The OSB spine was created in our workshops before being installed on site, as well the auditorium. Small meeting rooms and phone booths were incorporated into the spine which provided some privacy in this fantastic open plan space.

Photography by Thierry Cardineau, 2015

Aldworth James & Bond | CloudFlare London Offices - screening area
Aldworth James & Bond | CloudFlare London Offices - meeting room